A Grant aimed at players in need of a little extra help with travel to NZDG tour events in New Zealand and overseas events.
Applications will be ranked using a point based system. Criteria will include:
● NZ Tour placement
● Number of NZ tour events attended at end of application period
● A letter of support from a NZ disc golf club (please email here).
Application submission periods are:
● November 1st to November 30th – for travel from January 1st to June 30th following the application period
● May 1st to May 31st - for travel from July 1st to December 31st following the application period
The NZDG board will have one month after application periods end to calculate and decide approved applications. If successful we will notify you by email provided and request your bank details for payment. NZDG maintains the right to post successful applicants names and events attending to our website and social media outlets.
If you have any questions please email here
NZDG Member Travel Grant Application Form. By completing this form, I confirm that this grant would make a material difference to my finances & my ability to attend.
Terms and conditions. This grant is intended to assist players to reach NZDG sanctioned tournaments that would otherwise be out of reach, for inter-island, or international travel. Receipts from all monies spent are to be supplied after the event. Any money not used is to be refunded together with receipts after the event.