From: New Zealand Disc Golf Association Board
To: Members
27th October 2020
Subsequent to the recent SGM in Twizel, held to elect new NZDG board members, Chairman Paul Deacon and Deputy Chairman Jeremy Hawkes have resigned from the board. The four remaining members have accepted the resignations.
NZDG wishes to express its gratitude to both gentlemen for their service and recent contributions to New Zealand Disc Golf and wishes them well in their future endeavours.
NZDG would also like to welcome Mat Prichard and Chris Davies to the board.
Despite how much work has been done in recent years, there is much yet to be achieved, and the board have unanimously voted incoming Treasurer Mat Prichard as the interim Chairman of NZDG until the AGM, in May 2021. The board wishes to thank Mr Prichard for his willingness to accept this unanticipated and important role, for which he is so well suited.
The board’s directors have affirmed their commitment to working together as friendly like-minded disc golfers for the interests of disc golf in New Zealand.
Mat Prichard (Chair / Financial Advisor)
Martin Galley (Secretary / Tour Director)
Chris Smith (Outreach Director / Treasurer)
Chris Davies (Communications Director)