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Voting Open & AGM Guidance

Web Admin

Dear NZDG Members,

Voting is now open here

Please be advised as follows:

The Annual General Meeting of NZDG will take place at 5:30 for 6:00 p.m. on Saturday 23rd May by videoconference (Zoom) as scheduled.

You will receive an invitation to the meeting by e-mail. If you are not on our e-mail list, or your e-mail address is out of date, please send an e-mail to Martin Galley asking for an invitation, including your full name, date of birth, and last NZ Tour event attended in order to verify membership. All players who attended tour events up to 1 year previous to and including ‘The Brook Park Brave” on 7th March 2020 are automatically members of NZDG.

The Meeting will be open from 5:30 p.m. to allow invitees to join. Please allow time. You will be taken to a virtual waiting room to start with, and will be allowed to join the Meeting as soon as we're ready, and a Board Director has checked that you are a current NZDG Member.

When you join the Meeting, you will be muted (not allowed to speak), but you may submit comments via the Zoom chat function, which will be moderated by another Board Director, and passed to the Chairman as appropriate.

Another Board Director will moderate who is allowed to speak at the direction of the Chairman (this is in practice little different to a physical meeting, it is up to the Chairman to decide who shall speak and when).

For the receiving of reports (and similar), this will be done by a virtual show of hands (which will be explained at the beginning of the meeting).

For elections to the Board, this is done via the voting form which also includes votes on 3 Motions put to Members.

1 of the 3 Motions is non-routine, being the introduction of subscription Membership for an annual fee of NZ$25. This was under consideration by the Board long before Covid-19. Subscription Membership is aimed at keen disc golfers who do not play on the NZ Tour, but want to support NZDG. It is also aimed at (for example), parents and guardians of children who play disc golf. It is open to anybody, but note that subscription Members will not be given voting rights unless they can show to the Board a valid connection to disc golf. It is hoped that this new form of membership will bring more good and keen people into NZDG.

You will find all the documents you need for the AGM here on the Governance page of the new website including the manifestos of candidates.

E-voting is open [ and will close 24 hours before the Meeting. Please don't forget to vote, and please encourage other Members to vote.

If you have any questions, please ask any Board Member now - don't wait until the AGM!

Woody Riley


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